啤酒頭釀造 | Taiwan Head Brewers


啤酒頭釀造成立於 2015 春天,因三位創辦人對釀酒的熱情,結合多方的經驗、技術和創意,不僅要讓消費者接觸到不一樣的啤酒,更要把「台灣釀造 Brewed in Taiwan」的精釀啤酒帶入世界。成立至今,啤酒頭以「節氣啤酒」最為人所知,勇奪海內外多項大獎,足跡遍及英國、日本、澳洲與新加坡,其中「雨水」與「立秋」分別獲得 2016/2017 世界啤酒大賽 WBA (World Beer Award) 全球最佳啤酒,與 2018 世界啤酒盃 WBC (World Beer Cup) 酒界最高殊榮。

Taiwan Head Brewers Brewing Company was found in 2015 by three beer geeks who had been extremely passionate about brewing and sharing great beers. We dedicate our beer to our beautiful homeland – Formosa, Taiwan. From the beginning, we have been proudly to create outstanding, unique beers with locally grown ingredients, creativity, love, and passion. Since establishment, we have participated and won global beer awards in England, Japan, Australia and Singapore, especially our beautiful crafts “Rain Water”-2016 World Beer Award (WBA) World Best Experimental Beer, and “Start of Autumn”-2017 World Beer Award (WBA) World Best Flavoured Herb & Spice and 2018 World Beer Cup, American (WBC) Herb and Spice Beer Bronze.


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©All right reserved since 2018